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Property and Casualty Insurance PassPrep Course - by John J. Rugolo

Course # INS002 - Property and Casualty Insurance PassPrep Course ...This Course is better than "flash" cards and better than simple practice questions. Using a database of over 500 questions and over 2,500 screens of information this course prepares the student to sit for state insurance license exams with confidence.

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The special design of this course insures that the student is exposed to only correct information. This course consists of a course map and practice questions with right and wrong answer responses, for example, when a student selects an incorrect answer they receive a reply which states "Wrong sorry, (the answer you chose) is the correct answer (to this question), thereby providing a positive response. The course map permits the student to select specific units, topics, subjects and chapters to study. Additionally, the Study Manuals have been reviewed to insure this course is the most comprehensive course of its kind.
Subjects covered thoroughly include all of the fifteen (17) chapters of the Florida General Lines Agent and Customer Representive Study Manual 14th edition updated as of September 2004.
Both right and wrong answer responses are designed to reinforce correct learning using the latest techniques in Review & Cram Course design.
The online insurance course is taught in a virtual classroom. It is designed to move the student, in a focused manner, through content that one must know in order to fully satisfy state examination requirements. This process is called "Guided Learning." Because of the interactive nature of the web, Guided Learning on the internet can be fun, even exciting, while also being very effective. 
OLT is constantly revising its courses to insure they meet the current needs of our students. We want the learning process to be an effective, focused, highly productive activity. To this end we design our courses to have the maximum content, delivered in the most efficient manner to the maximum number of potential students over the internet. If you encounter a page, link, or other element of OLT's educational product that doesn't work. Please let us know. For more information, please contact us.

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Last updated July 27, 2012, by Max Combs